48 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Firework Rocket |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Glow Ink Sac |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Mushroom Stem |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Hoe Lottery |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Brown Mushroom Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Enchanted Book (misc) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Glass |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Golden Apple |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Golden Carrot |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Netherite Ingot |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | Max enchants w/Fortune or Silk Touch
item | String | Netherite Pickaxe (enchanted) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Red Mushroom Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Blaze Rod |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Redstone Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Sea Lantern |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Shield (enchanted) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Blackstone |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | Max enchants w/Mending or Infinity
item | String | Bow (enchanted) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | Max enchants w/Multishot or Piercing
item | String | Crossbow (enchanted) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Dark Prismarine |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | Max Armor Set with elytra and extras
item | String | Item Set(Flight Set) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | Max Armor Set with trident and extras
item | String | Item Set(Sea Set) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | Max Armor Set with sheild and extras
item | String | Item Set(Combat Set) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | End Crystal |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | End Rod |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Glowstone |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Gold Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Honey Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Honey Bottle |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Honeycomb |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Honeycomb Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Prismarine |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Prismarine Bricks |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Slime Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Spectral Arrow |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Tipped Arrow (misc) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | Both Loyalty and Riptide tridents available
item | String | Trident (enchanted) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Ink Sac |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Chorus Flower |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Chorus Fruit |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Crimson Stem |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Dye (all colors) |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | End Stone |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Nether Wart Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Purpur Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | No |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Warped Stem |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Warped Wart Block |
Field | Field type | Value |
shop | Page | Shop:S3 Tomcorp |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_y | Integer | |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
status | Boolean | Yes |
notes | Wikitext string | |
item | String | Wool (all colors) |
"Shop" values
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
name | String | TomCorp |
image | File | S3 Shop tomcorp.png |
section | String | Main |
season | String | SurvivalS3 |
world_x | Integer | 649 |
world_z | Integer | 41 |
owners | List of String, delimiter: , | ThiccTom25 |
latest_activity | Date | |