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Gold Casino | |
Shop Details | |
Season | Survival > S3 |
Owners | Vileoss, purpleKiiwi |
Location | ( 777,52 ) |
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This page was automatically imported using the season 3 shops directory made by MCFinePlayer
Item | X Y Z | Status | Notes |
Blackstone | 777,,52 | Yes |
Crying Obsidian | 777,,52 | Yes |
Fire Charge | 777,,52 | Yes |
Gold Block | 777,,52 | Yes |
Gravel | 777,,52 | Yes |
Leather | 777,,52 | Yes |
Nether Bricks | 777,,52 | Yes |
Nether Quartz | 777,,52 | No |
Obsidian | 777,,52 | No |
Potion (Fire Resistance) | 777,,52 | Yes |
Red Nether Bricks | 777,,52 | Yes |
Soul Sand | 777,,52 | Yes |
Spectral Arrow | 777,,52 | Yes |
String | 777,,52 | Yes |